Monday, December 27, 2010


Come experience India through her world of cuisine across an infinite palate of flavours. An Indian meal is more than a feast for the senses because it carries the impression of geography, local custom, traditional belief and religious ideology. The result is an exotic blend of taste, texture and form that encompasses a wealth of regional specialities dictated by climate, location and culinary tradition.
Food in India is imbued with religious sanctity because it maintains life. Even today in many traditional homes, a token offering of food is made to the gods before every meal. It is also an essential element of the hospitality of any home, rich or poor. That is why a feast marks every important Indian ceremony from birth to death.
Our culinary traditions are founded on principles of Ayurveda or good health that originated over 3000 years ago. A philosophy of food that believes that man is, what he eats. Thus food was classified into 3 main groups: Saatvik foods that promoted spiritualism; Rajasik food suitable to a royal lifestyle and Tamasik food that appealed to the baser instincts of man.
The Ayurvedic health plan advocated a balanced diet based on a harmonious alliance of rasas (flavours) and gunas (therapeutic qualities) that were prescribed according to climate, season and physical temperament. This culinary legacy influenced the development of myriad food cultures including one of the most creative vegetarian cuisines in the world.
So be our guest and discover a thousand gourmet worlds in one country. At a feast of culinary specialities collected from the Indian subcontinent and recreated by our master chefs, for your dining pleasure.

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